HomeUser Guide

At Nepas Trekking and Expeditions, we prioritize building a relationship of trust with our customers through detailed consultations via email before your trip. This ensures that your arrangements are tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Please note that if you visit our office without prior inquiry or contact, we may not be able to assist you with your travel arrangements.

How to Use the Service

1. Inquiries

We primarily handle inquiries via email or WhatsApp. Our representative will respond directly to assist you.

When you contact us, please provide the following information if available:

  • Date of entry into Nepal and date of departure
  • Flight number
  • Number of participants
  • Activities you plan to do in Nepal (trekking, sightseeing, etc.)
  • Specific preferences (e.g., preferred trekking route, mountaineering experience, etc.)

Based on your inquiry, we will propose a plan that accommodates your requests as much as possible, considering the unique circumstances in Nepal.

We aim to respond within 48 hours. If you do not receive a reply after 48 hours, please check for email delivery issues or contact us via LINE.

2. Application

Once you decide to use our services after several email exchanges, please provide the following details to officially start your application:

For Trekking Applications

  • (Attachment*) Copy of passport
  • (Attachment*) Headshot (see note 2)
  • (Attachment*) Overseas travel insurance policy (for coverage details)
  • Address
  • Phone number (including a mobile number usable in Nepal)
  • Emergency contact information (e.g., home number where you are staying in Nepal)
  • Nepal arrival date and flight number
  • Nepal departure date and flight number
  • Hotel names in Kathmandu and Pokhara (if you arranged separately)
  • Preferred language for the guide (e.g., English, Japanese, etc.)

Please send attachments via email.

Note 2: A headshot is required for courses outside the Everest area. A photo taken with your phone’s camera is acceptable, as long as it is in an editable format (JPEG, etc.), not a PDF.

For Sightseeing and Ticket Applications

  • Name and gender (as per passport)
  • Passport number
  • Phone number (including a mobile number usable in Nepal)
  • Nepal arrival date and flight number
  • Nepal departure date and flight number
  • Hotel name in Nepal (if you arranged separately)
  • Preferred language for the guide (e.g., English, Japanese, etc.)
  • (Attachment*) Overseas travel insurance policy (for coverage details)
  • Any other specific requests

3. Confirmation of Arrangements

After receiving your official application, we will start arranging your trip. Once arrangements are complete, we will email you the details for your review. Please verify and let us know if any adjustments are needed.

4. Payment

Upon your satisfaction with the arrangements, you can proceed with the payment. Choose from the following methods:

  • Cash payment upon arrival in Nepal
  • Credit card payment upon arrival in Nepal
  • Bank transfer to a Nepalese account before arrival

For flight tickets only, the full amount must be sent to a specified bank account before arriving in Nepal.


  • Cash payment in US dollars is preferred, but we also accept other currencies. Please contact us for exchange rates.
  • Credit card payments may incur a 4% fee.
  • Traveler’s cheques are no longer accepted in Nepal since November 2013.

The above information is subject to change without notice. We also offer consultations for alternative payment methods.

5. Other Communications

If you have arranged for airport pickup at Kathmandu or pre-payment for your trip, we will provide detailed information via email.

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    Nepal Office:
    New Baneshwor,
    Kathmandu 44600
    Contact Us: +977 9809481645 (Nepal)

    US Office:
    5151, Headquarters Drive
    Plano, TX, USA
    Contact Us: +1 214 404-6883 (USA)

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